Internasjonal Kafe animation

The animation was created to promote Internasjonal Kafe, an event organized by Norsk Folkehjelp to help people from different cultures to get to know each other.

First thing was to design the elements in Illustrator. I've created the coffe cup with a foam creating shapes of continents that resambles the globe and the foam with Internasjonal Kafe. The idea was to morph first shape into the second one.

vector graphics

I drew the hand shapes on the paper (one showing hand serving coffee and one that stirs it) and recreated it in Adobe Illustrator. Prepared assets were imported to After Effects to create animation.

vector graphics

The tricky part was to create hand movement for stir animation. In order to imitate shifting perspective of the hand during stir movement, I used after effects expressions that changed the scale of diffrent parts of hand (palm, fingers), based on the position of the hand.

vector graphics